
Pikachu's Indonesia Journey

Pikachu's Indonesia Journey

Indonesia, country of countless mysteries.
Following the Pokémon Air Adventure project’s ideal of bringing people and places closer, Pikachu’s Indonesia Journey was created with the goal of making travel through Indonesia even more memorable, by exploring together with Pikachu.
Starting with the new Pikachu Jet GA aircraft connecting Indonesian skies, numerous projects will see Pikachu and friends appearing in various places across Indonesia to create even more unforgettable experiences.
Just like Pikachu discovers Indonesia’s countless wonders through its journey, these initiatives are meant as an opportunity for many to experience the marvels Indonesia has to offer, and for more and more people to fall in love with Indonesia and Pokémon.

What are Pokémon?

What are Pokémon?

Pokémon is what we call these mysterious creatures, over 1000 of which have been discovered to this day.
Many other unknown species are still yet to be found and reveal their wonders.

Who's Pikachu?

Who's Pikachu?

Mouse Pokémon
Electric Type
Height: 0.4m, Weight: 6.0kg
Ability: Static

When it is angered, it immediately discharges the energy stored in the pouches in its cheeks.